
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #337

Meetings second Monday of the month 7:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall.

American Legion Post #337
Meetings second Monday of the month 7:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Contact: Commander Robert Mursau, Sr., N5102 Advent Rd., De Pere, WI 54115, 920-788-2713 or locally, Jim Van Lannen at 822-1181. For Hall Reservations, please call Don Murdzek at 822-3864.

American Vets Post #160  Commander, Robert Mursau, Jr., N5102 Advent Rd., De Pere, WI 54115, 920-788-2713 or locally, Adjutant, Dennis Saeger, 822-5933.
Meetings first Wednesday of the month 7:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall

Better Business Bureau website.  This non-profit organization provides free information about businesses to consumers, as well as scam alerts, tips, and help with complaint resolution.  Their website is

Boy Scouts of America
Troop 1031 in Pulaski

Food Pantry
The Pantry is open the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information contact Deb Schneider 920-822-6050. Location: West Town Road, West edge of town.

4-H Clubs
Call UW extension numbers of the county you live in to find your area 4-H group.
Brown County Extension 920-391-4610.

Girl Scouts of Lac Bae Council
For more information contact the Girl Scout Office at 469-4860.

Knights of Columbus – Bishop Bona Council #4439
Meetings third Tuesday of the month 7:30 p.m. in the K.C. Meeting room in ABVM Church Basement. Contact Patrick Hughes, 822-3040, for more information.
Discover a World of Good Things in the Knights of Columbus

Krakow Advancement Association
Contact Steve Effert, N4731 Lake Sandia Dr., Krakow, WI 54137.   Phone 920-899-3644.

Lake Sandia Homeowners Association
Contact Eileen Ripley, N4854 Green Valley Rd, Krakow WI  54137,   Phone 920-899-3620

NEW Para-Medic Rescue Squad
235 W. Pulaski Street

920-822-7600 or 888-888-3838 for business calls.

Pedal Pushers Senior Bike Club, 60+.  Meet at Richard McDermid’s Residence at 6:30, Tuesday mornings.  Please call Bonnie at 822-3224 for info to go.

Pioneer Tractor Cruisers.  Have a tractor of 30+ years?   This could be the club for you.  Contact President, Tom Busch at (920) 619-1766 for more information.

Polish Legion of American Veterans Post #178
Contact John Adasiewicz, P O Box 804, Pulaski WI 54162 at 920-822-4071.

Pulaski Area Chamber of Commerce
 For  information contact or by phone (920) 822-4400.

Pulaski Area Community Education (PACE)

Located at: 132 Front Street
Mailing address:  P.O. Box 36, Pulaski, WI 54162
Mark Heck, Director
Phone (920)822-6051
Check out their new website for all your school year/round program information

Amber Gauthier, Assistant
Phone (920)822-6050

Fax (920) 822-6052
Visit us at

Pulaski Area Historical Society and MUSEUM
Meeting fourth Monday of the month 6:30 p.m. at the PACE OFFICE.  Monthly Special events as scheduled. Please call the following people for an appointment.

Larry Puzen at 920-822-2609.

Pulaski Community School Education Foundation, Inc.
President, Deb Schneider
Phone:  (920) 822-6050
P O Box 36, Pulaski WI 54162

Pulaski Area Swim Club (PASC), Non-Profit club.  Head Coach, Kathleen Olson

Pulaski Fire Dept, aka Tri-County Fire Dept. Call 911 or 822-5392 for non-emergency calls.

Pulaski Lions Club
Meetings are held the first and third Monday evenings of each month, 7 p.m., at the Legion Hall from September through May. To join, express your interest to any Lion Club member. For more information, email Mike Stone, the Lions Club President, at or send letter to Pulaski Lions, P O Box 671, Pulaski,  WI  54162

Pulaski FFA Alumni Affiliate

Pulaski News
Local Newspaper. Laurie Fischer at 920-822-6800.
Or, read it online at

Pulaski Police Department

Chief Kurt Kitzman, 920-822-5110, 585 E. Glenbrook Drive

Pulaski Post Office
South St. Augustine Street in Pulaski.  822-5666

The Stone Barn in the Town of Chase

Pulaski United Foundation  For additional information contact: Mark Heck, P. 0. Box 36. Pulaski, Wl 54162, Phone 920-822-6050.

Tri-County Fire Department
Non-emergency calls, (920) 822-5392.

Tri-County Optimist Club of Pulaski & Krakow
Meetings every Wednesday 12:00 noon- 1:00 p.m. at PACE Community Room, Glenbrook School. For more information contact Jennifer Stachura at  (920) 562-6194 or Nora Scray at 822-3033.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #9719
Meetings second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Contact: Commander Roger Karcz 920-899-3936.

Contact: Michael Voelker 920-822-1045

Telephone: (920) 822-6000
Fax:  (920) 822-6005
Board of Education
Administrative Offices
143 W. Green Bay Street
Pulaski, WI  54162-0036

Assumption B.V.M Church

(920) 822-3279 and
Catholic School 920-822-5650

St. Casimir Church
W146 Park St., Krakow
(920) 899-3621

St. Edward & Isidore 
3667 Flintville Rd, GB
(920) 865-7677

St. John Lutheran-LCMS
(920) 822-3511

St. John’s Lutheran Church-ELCA
3374 Cty C
Oconto Falls,  WI  54154
Pastor Lloyd  920-740-2523
(just 1/2 mile north of Morgan-Cty E)

St. Stanislaus Church, Hofa Park
(920) 822-5512

New Life Community Church

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church – Lessor

St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Synod), Zachow
(715) 758-8575

Holy Cross National Catholic Church
(715) 693-2241

United Methodist Church, Angelica
(920) 822-1743

St. Maximilian Kolbe, Sobieski
(920) 822-5255

Did we miss something?  If you participate in one of these organizations and have additional information to include or if we missed your organization all together, please contact the Pulaski Area Chamber, or (920) 822-4400 or contact us.